Fee Schedule
Recording Fees
County Clerk Fees
Fictitious Business Name Fees
Filing a Fictitious Business Name Statement | $20.00 |
For each additional business name or partner | $ 3.00 |
Filing a statement of Abandonment | $15.00 |
Filing a statement of Withdrawal | $15.00 |
Fee for certified copy of any statement on file | $ 3.25 |
Marriage License Fees
Issuance of Marriage License | $51.00 |
Additional charge for after hours issuance | $36.00 |
Issuing duplicate marriage license and certificate | $24.00 |
Issuing a Confidential Marriage License | $72.00 |
Certified copy of a Confidential Marriage Certificate | $17.00 |
Marriage ceremony, during business hours, by the Commissioner of Marriages | $25.00 |
Surety Fees
Filing a power of attorney, revocation, cancellation, annulment or suspension of a certificate for an admitted surety insurer: one name | $8.00 |
If more than one name, for each additional name | $ 2.25 |
Miscellaneous Fees
Filing Bond of Notary Public | $15.00 |
Registration of Process Server | $117.00 |
Registration of Unlawful Detainer Assistant | $182.00 |
Registration of Legal Document Assistant | $182.00 |
Registration of Professional Photocopier | $182.00 |
Certification and Copying Fees
Photocopying document, per 81/2 x 14" page or less 1st page |
$ 1.50 |
2nd and subsequent pages | $ .50 |
Certifying a copy of any original paper, record or proceeding on file in the Office of the County Clerk-Recorder |
$ 1.75 |
Clerk of the Board Fees
Appeals to Board of Supervisors | $500.00 |
Copying tapes of meetings (provide tape) per minute fee | $ .40 |
Copying tapes of meetings (additional $4.00 per tape if clerk provides) per minute | $ .40 |
Election Fees
Certification of Voter’s Registration | $3.25 |
Copy of Conflict of Interest Statement, Campaign Expenditure Reports (per page) |
$ .10 |
Index of Voter’s Hard Copy ($10.00 minimum up to 5000 names, $2.00 for each additional 1000 names or portion thereof: application required) | $10 per 5000 names, $2 each additional 1000 names |
Computer generated voter registration file (text or Excel file) | $125.00 |
Provided on Clerk's disc | $130.00 |
Contact Information:
Contact Information
Julie Bustamante
Behind the Historic Courthouse
220 S Lassen Street, Annex
, CA
See map: Google Maps
See map: Google Maps
Mon - Fri:
9:00 am-12:00 pm , 1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Sat - Sun: Closed
Main Number
County Recorder
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
County Clerk - Recorder FAX
(530) 257-3480
County Clerk - Recorder
County Clerk